Stirling Vineyard, Jr. is an entrepreneurial trusted advisor to business owners, families and high-performing teams, helping them through transitions and ultimately achieve their purpose and vision.

Leveraging his background in corporate environments  including start-ups, private equity-backed ventures, and mature Fortune 500 companies  to the family-run business, Stirling is equipped to work side-by-side with the business owner or leader to quickly identify the root cause of what keeps him or her up at night.

During the past 25 years, Stirling has formed core disciplines around strategy, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), private equity, corporate and personal finance, operations, systems and best practices, change management, entity formation and tax strategies and public accounting.  Through trial and error, Stirling knows what does and does not work.  Thus, he focuses on delivering practical solutions that leaders implement to align back to their goals and objectives, experience increased returns, and leave a legacy that impacts something greater than themselves and for future generations.

Stirling currently operates two businesses:  1) an Advisory and CPA practice that also performs Exit & Transition Planning, M&A and Fractional CFO services; and 2) Kingdom-based Private Equity Fund

Stirling enjoys the work through his local church, Milestone Church, snow-skiing, hunting and his children’s activities.  He is blessed to live with his amazing wife, April, his son, R. Stirling Vineyard, III (15) and daughter, Lilly Faith (13) in Argyle, Texas.

7 Questions with Stirling Vineyard

Where did you grow up? What did that teach you?

Wharton, Texas. As the fourth generation in ranching and oil and gas, I developed a strong work ethic and learned integrity – doing exactly what you say – is the foundation for building trust in all relationships

What is your most important core value and why?

Humility because you are acknowledging any success you experience is dependent on others and not solely your own effort or strength.

What is one word or phrase you could use to describe yourself?

I enjoy change yet remain disciplined. I enjoy a variety of activities and tend to juggle many projects at once yet employ an intentional and disciplined approach to keep moving effectively towards the goal.

What are the greatest business lessons you have learned?

Level 5 leaders display a powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They’re incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the cause, for the organization and its purpose, not themselves.

– Jim Collins in his best seller Good to Great

What are the greatest lessons in life that you have acquired?

After the trials in life come, expect miracles, signs and wonders, often in the 11th hour, because how else will you increase your faith and know that God showed up and did the work and not you.

What is your life’s verse, purpose or mission?

I have 2 life verses that deeply motivate and encourage me:
EPH 3:20. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
GAL 6:9. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up

Best work project? Why?

$20+ million capital raise over twelve months for a Kingdom business because it came at a critical time that grew and stretched my faith.

Education and Certifications
Master of Business Administration in Finance and Strategy & Entrepreneurship, Southern Methodist University, 2004

Certified Public Accountant licensed by the State of Texas, 1997

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Texas Tech University, 1994

Favorite comic book character
Iron Man

Favorite quote or saying
“Everything rises and falls on leadership”
– John Maxwell


We provide sound advice and discernment to entrepreneurs and business owners through all seasons.